Let your loved one know you care by purchasing recovery medallion gifts from Sober Medallions. Take an AA coin token on your path to help you along the way. The road to recovery can be long and difficult. There is a 24-hr coin, an AA Coin for each month sober up to a year, and then we offer anniversary AA medallions which we will customize to match the number of years sober.

Our aluminum tokens come in many different colors which indicate how long one has been sober. Recovery AA Gifts, like any of the medallions and chips that we offer here, are ideal for the fellowshipping of new friends. We publish items in English, Spanish and French. Individual Orders NA Addiction Services Literature Rehab - Courts - Custom About Contact Cart Sign in Create account Cart is empty Checkout AA Medallions Asstd RUSH ORDER Service - for select Gift items only click here Cheaper roll 10. In our materials, you can find out more about Alcoholics Anonymous, its history, and how it works. World Services, Inc., is a resource for recovering alcoholics and other individuals. For new-comers, it's important that they feel welcome, and it's an important role for more experienced friends to fellowship with the newcomers. Anonymity Concepts Committees Literature Listing Literature published by A.A. Our "Desire" chips have a wide variety of phrases expressing hope, and encouragement, like "First Things First" and "Never Alone Again". We service many Courts & Rehabs with special AA Court Recovery Coins & Medallions

Sister Ignatia gave out the first "AA 12 Step medallions" when men were leaving their five day dry out and instructed them that the acceptance of such a medallion signified commitment to God, AA, and to recovery. That is what the AA medallions (coin) was originally given for. When taking such a journey through the 12 step recovery program and then moving forward with life, carrying a recovery coin or recovery medallion can often give one great strength. While the journey to recovery can begin in an instance, we know that it lasts for a lifetime.